Understanding Capital Campaign Core Committees: An Explainer

You probably think about volunteers with mixed emotions.
On the one hand, volunteers can be invaluable partners in your organization’s success. On the other hand, volunteers can be super-frustrating in many ways.
Despite the potential for frustration, consider these four clear and compelling reasons you should use volunteers in your campaign:
- Engaged volunteers bring connections and contacts
- Respected volunteers provide extra legitimacy to your important work
- Involved volunteers are more loyal and give more generously
- Capable volunteers can shoulder some of the important tasks of your campaign
Because of these critical reasons, we encourage you to build volunteer engagement into your campaign as a strategy to ensure your campaign’s success.
Please explore our complete guide to campaign committees to learn more about other types of committees and recruitment best practices!
Free Campaign Checklist & Guide
Download our free capital campaign checklist and guide to learn exactly what’s required for each phase of your campaign.
Many Campaign Committees, But Only One Core Committee
While you will likely use many volunteers throughout your campaign, it’s a myth that you should have one, enormous campaign committee.
Instead, think about a series of campaign committees designed to fit specific needs for a short period of time, so volunteers can participate and then be “released” and perhaps engaged again for a different task.
One “Core” Committee
However, one committee remains throughout the campaign. You might call it your Core Committee.
Think about this Core Committee as the “Executive Committee” of your campaign. Some organizations call it their “kitchen cabinet.”
The Core Committee: Central to Your Campaign’s Success
The Core Committee is a small group of special people who drive your project and your campaign. This group, usually 4-6 people, must be small enough to be nimble, and the members must be fully committed to advancing your campaign.
Your campaign’s Core Committee will meet frequently (weekly or monthly) and regularly throughout the campaign, from the early planning until the last follow-up is done.
Who Serves on the Core Committee?
The Core Committee often includes the following individuals:
- CEO / Executive Director
- Development Director
- Board President / Chair
- One or two other board members
- Campaign Chair (once one is identified)
What’s the Role of the Core Committee?
This committee usually operates below the radar. While some members may have public positions in the campaign, this group wields quiet power and authority. It performs a number of key tasks, including:
- Serve as the “brain trust” of the campaign
- Participate in regular meetings depending on the stage and needs of the campaign
- Monitor the progress of campaign planning and execution
- Recommend course corrections to the board as needed
- Provide advice about undertaking a feasibility study and engaging a campaign consultant
- Identify and recruit additional campaign volunteers
- Support the campaign financially with an early and meaningful commitment
- Assist with asking for campaign gifts
Members of this Core Committee or “kitchen cabinet” usually also serve on other campaign committees.
Key Strategies to Make Your Core Committee a Success
Here are some key strategies our clients use to make their Core Committees effective.
- Develop clear objectives and timetable for each committee
- Schedule meetings in advance
- Start and end meetings on time
- Send a summary of action steps after each meeting
- Design the agenda for every meeting to actively engage every participant
- Resist the temptation to use meetings just to report to the group
We find that using Zoom for campaign meetings increases attendance because it is convenient and effective. Consider using Zoom at times even when you can get together in-person. Then, when you do get your committee together in-person, make it something special.
Engaged Volunteers are Generous Volunteers
At the end of your campaign, you may wish to see how many gifts came from people who were active volunteers during the campaign process. Over many campaigns, we’ve seen a remarkable correlation. Active, happy, engaged volunteers lead to more gifts and more generous gifts.
Weave volunteer engagement into the fabric of your campaign. You won’t regret it.
Get the support you need to succeed.
With our approach, you get the support, expertise, and guidance you need — plus all the tools and materials — to make your campaign a success.
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